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Lush Haul

By 22:13 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So I'll admit it. I've become a "lushie" and I have no regrets. I'm actually in love. So I thought I would do a little haul on the things I've bought over the past month, hope you enjoy!

Phoenix Rising

I've already done a post on this, so I'm only gonna skim over it. This is a really nice bath bomb, and smells very cinnamony, and leaves a little dusting of gold shimmer in a purple bath, which I loved.

Unicorn Horn

I've used about half of this, and it's just the best. I am obsessed with unicorns and I just had to have this, and my lovely friend bought this for me (if you're reading this, thank you Robyn!). This smells very strongly of lavender, and the bath is a pale colour, and full of bubbles (I had lots of fun making bubble beards). I'm just really sad that this is only a valentines product, they need to make this a regular, although I did see it in the shop, slightly more pastel-ised and minus the candy stars, so here's to hoping.

Rose Bombshell

This is a mothers day product and I used the other night and I was so surprised when it started dissolving and out popped individual rose petals, which was amazing. I wasn't too impressed with the colour as it just stayed in one side of my bath and I had to swish it a bit, unlike with the Phoenix Rising which dispersed the colour all over, but it smells amazing and I definitely need a couple more before they sell out!


I am yet to use this one (and the ones following) because they only arrived Monday! Out of the ones I ordered, this is definitely the one I am looking forward to using the most, but can someone please tell me what it smells like? It reminds me of something but I can't quite think what and it's driving me mad.

Sex Bomb

I seem to be going for pink, white or purple bath bombs oh dear. But this I'm unsure about. I put it in my order because I've seen quite a few people get it, but I think it smells weird. Whenever I smell it, it smells gorgeous, but then it has a weird after smell. I guess I'll have to wait until I use it but I hope it smells nicer.

Dragons Egg

This is definitely the second most exciting bath bomb I ordered, and it smells so beautiful, it's a very strong citrus which I normally don't like, but with this I love it. I'm also interested to see how the spots of colour in this turn out when it's in the water.

Space Girl

I literally just ordered this because I see I everywhere and I want to see what the hype is. It smells like gummy sweets, which makes it perfect for me already, but I am rather excited to try it and see what it's all about.

Rose Bubble Bar

This is another Mothers Day product. I went in the day after I placed my order, just for a "browse" and saw this and the Rose Bombshell, and thought "but they weren't on the website" and so I just got them. This smells really nice, but a different kind of rose smell to the bath bomb (I can't quite explain it, it's stronger in my opinion) but I am excited to see if I end up with glitter in my bubble bath!


And last, but not least, I ordered Oatifix, which is a face mask. I got this because every face mask I use to exfoliate that comes out of a packet makes my face drier. But I used this the other day, and my skin had no dry patches the next day, it was a miracle! And even though it resembles sick on my face, I want to eat it whenever I smell it...

Hope you enjoyed reading,

Layla x

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