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Skin Care Routine

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Hello and welcome!

Today I have a skin care routine to share with you. So I'm not going to lie, this post is made up mainly of Lush products, mainly because I'm trying to switch all of my skin care slowly to Lush. But I thought for the moment I would add a skin care routine seeing as I also did a hair care routine.


First of all is the Nivea Creme moisturiser. I've been using this ever since I watched a video by Charles Gross and he was raving about this moisturiser. I needed a new one as it was starting to get colder, and my already dry skin was somehow getting dryer. This is a very thick formula and is great on my skin. It also comes in a little tin so I also have that and keep it in my handbag. I tend to leave a layer of this over my dry spots, usually my nose and forehead, and let it soak in while I'm doing my eye makeup. This is genuinely the best moisturiser I have ever used on my face, and I actually don't think I will convert to a Lush one.

Next is the Skin Therapy Gentle Facial Scrub. This (I believe) is actually Wilkinson's own brand. It costs just 95p and is far better than my old face scrub which was the Neutrogena Visibly Clear Gentle Face Scrub, which is around £4.50. Not a bad price difference... I use this every morning and it works great at cleaning the last bits of dirt off my face (mainly leftover foundation that I've been too lazy to take off) and doesn't irritate my skin. The formula is quite thin and you can feel the tiny beads if you squidge it between your fingers.

I have recently decided that I no longer really want to use face wipes as I find them very harsh on my face, especially around my eye area. So I have been using the Ultrabland cleanser and wiping it over my makeup. It has a very waxy feel, and a little goes a long way!

After I have put the Ultrabland on my makeup, I follow up with the Breath of Fresh Air toner water on a cotton pad to wipe the makeup off. You can follow up the cleanser with warm water, but I feel that it's easier for me to cleanse and tone at the same time.

Finally for my face, I use the Sacred Truth face mask. Only I am horrified because I have recently found out that Lush have stopped making this and I don't know what I'm going to do. Like I said earlier, I have quite dry skin so first of all I used Oatifix as every Lush assistant said that would be the one. Only it somehow made my skin drier and it was horrible. Then I tried Brazened Honey, but it was way too harsh for my skin and made the area around my nose sting very badly. So then I tried The Sacred Truth and it's amazing. And now they're taking it away from me </3 Well, only for a little while, apparently they're reformulating it. I follow this up with a few squirts of toner and it leaves my skin so soft. Now I'm going to have to find another mask. I've recently tried Rosy Cheeks, and it was really good, and left my face smooth, but still second best to Sacred Truth.


First off is the one and only coconut oil. It works for everything, I swear. I like to put it on my face every now and then, but it's also great for eczema and soothing the burning from the itchiness.

Next up is Charity Pot from Lush. This is amazing for my legs after I've shaved them, and leaves them feeling nice and soft. I also use it on my arms too just because. Plus the money goes to charity, so what could be better?

This product is from Soap and Glory and it smells gorgeous. It's the only Soap and Glory item I've ever tried, mainly because I'm so overwhelmed by all the things they have. I like to keep this in my handbag as an emergency to revive my hands, mainly at work. I am a bartender and if the beer spills on my hands it tends to dry them out A LOT. This is handy (geddit?? ;D) to keep in my bag as it's so small, and it does a great job.

Last but not least, is Dream Cream from Lush. I first heard about this on a video by Helen Anderson where she said it was good for tattoos. I recently got a new tattoo for my birthday, and I know that the ingredients in Bepanthen had changed so I wanted to look for something new. I wanted to use this as it's all natural and cruelty free, and the reviews for it were amazing. While it doesn't smell too great, it works wonders, the dryness and peeling of my tattoo only lasted a few days. My skin heals pretty quick after tattooing anyway, but this sped it up to a record time of only a couple of days. It soothed the itchiness, and I have since used it on my eczema and it is amazing. I would recommend this over coconut oil, seriously.

I hope you enjoyed this, and maybe it gave you some ideas for your own skin care routine.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time

Layla x

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  1. I love Soap and Glory! Definitely want to try this hand cream now :)

