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Blogmas Day Four: Kat Von D Lock It Foundation

By 11:00 , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hey there!

Today I have a review on the Kat Von D Lock It Foundation! I have wanted this for sooo long because I've heard that ot's really great for pale people and that it's such great coverage. This is the first high end foundation I have ever owned, and i can definitely tell the difference between the coverage of this and a high street foundation.

I actually have a bit of a story to go with this when I was looking for a foundation. I was originally going to get the Urban Decay one, and so I went into my local Debenhams to discuss which shade would be right for me. Because I knew I was going to be foundation shopping, I didn't wear any makeup, because I figured i could get an exact match to my face. Anyway, I got to the stand, and only one person was working and she was doing a makeover. She didn't say hello or anything to me, which I found odd, but I figured that it was because she was busy. But then she kept giving me dirty looks, and the girls who were getting a makeover started muttering to each other and staring at me. Then another customer came over, and the woman working instantly stopped what she was doing, and greeted this lady and apologised that she wasn't free, but she would be done soon. Yet still she ignored me, how rude! The experience was so bad, I just decided not to buy the urban Decay one all together, I was so upset!

So instead, I ended up buying the Kat Von D one off the website a few days later.

I bought the shade Light 45 Warm. Which sounds like it would be too dark, but it was the lightest yellow toned shade they had. The shades that are lighter all have pink undertones which wouldn't work for me. I spent ages googling swatches and comparisons because Kat Von D is only online at the moment which is slightly annoying. But I decided to bite the bullet and go for this one after doing much research and it paid off! This is a really good match for me, and I was so relieved haha.

The foundation has a little pop on/pop off cap on the nozzle, rather than a lid, which I think is quite different but a nice idea.

The pump is flat at the top and pushes down really easily. Both the cap and the pump have the Kat Von D logo on them.

This bit of foundation is not even half a pump, a full pump of this covers almost all of my face, it's just that great coverage. While I have swatched this on my hand, don't forget that the shade of your hand is different to your face!

The foundation blends so well, and is really full coverage, which I love. The only thing I would say is that it can be quite drying, especially in this cold weather! but because my skin gets dry anyway, I just make sure I've definitely moisturised before using this to stop any flakiness.

If you're a pale lady and you would like a high coverage foundation, then look no further! If you do decide to try this out however, definitely do your research on the shades to make sure you get it right because it really does pay off!

Thanks for reading!

Layla x

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