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19 Things I Learnt Before I Turned 19

By 07:50 , , , , , , , ,

So today is my 19th birthday, and I decided I'd share 19 Things I've learnt before turning 19.

1) It's okay if you fall out with your parents. It may seem like the end of the world, but it's not
2) Just because he says he loves you, doesn't mean you should stay with him
3) Read as much as you can, in whatever spare time you have
4) Stay in your pyjamas all day if you want
5) He feels the same way. Don't doubt it
6) Some days aren't as good as others, and it may feel like getting out of bed is a huge effort, but do it. Don't waste too many days
7) Maybe things don't work first time round. But not everyone has to go to uni at 18
8) Even if you feel like you aren't good at what you love, keep at it. It's rare to find a hobby that could become a career
9) Take as many baths as you want
10) Drinking isn't always the answer, but you'll have a hell of a lot of stories to tell
11) Don't let anxiety take over. You may feel sick before you do anything, but you'll regret not doing it
12) Treasure the summers. These are some of the best memories you'll have
13) But also treasure Christmases with your family
14) Study. It's hard to concentrate, but it pays off so much
15) Listen to as much music as possible. Find as many cool bands as you can, broaden your knowledge
16) Write down your favourite songs and lyrics
17) The right guy comes along, it's just about being patient
18) Let go of caring about what others think. Be yourself and the right people will love you
19) Stop stressing about "getting older". Relax. Breathe. Live a little

Layla x

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