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Bucket List

By 16:17 , , ,

It's taken me a while, but I've finally compiled a bucket list, which is also on my Pinterest ( Hopefully I'll keep adding to it, and i'll do everything on it in my lifetime. My plan is to take photos of me doing each of these, and create a scrapbook with them.

  1. Buy a homeless person a full meal
  2. Make a scrapbook full of memories
  3. Stand with one foot on each side of the equator
  4. Put a secret in a balloon and let it fly away
  5. Make a perfect cupcake
  6. Go firewalking
  7. Build a snowman with my best friend
  8. Go to a photobooth
  9. Hold a baby turtle
  10. Visit the Haiku Stairs in Oahu, Hawaii
  11. Paint roses red
  12. Go white water rafting
  13. Visit the Salem Witch House
  14. Experience Christmas in New York
  15. Watch a meteor shower
  16. See the Grand Canyon
  17. Drink from a coconut
  18. Go skinny dipping
  19. Live to see cancer cured
  20. Go on a helicopter ride
  21. Leave a note in a library book
  22. Dye my hair a crazy colour without warning anyone
  23. Learn a new language
  24. Name a star
  25. Start running everyday
  26. Milk a cow
  27. Backpack across Europe
  28. Pet a panda
  29. Go on a camping trip with my friends
  30. Trace my family history
  31. Stargaze and sleep in the back of a truck
  32. Carve names into a tree
  33. Throe a dart to a map and go wherever it lands
  34. Be part of a flash mob
  35. Build a tree house
  36. Go on a no-budget shopping spree
  37. Get a henna tattoo in India
  38. Start a YouTube channel
  39. Visit Jamaica
  40. Go to a drive in
  41. Play hide and seek in Ikea
  42. Go on a road trip with friends
  43. Kiss under mistletoe
  44. Buy my first home
  45. Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
  46. Visit Amsterdam
  47. See the Fairy Pools in Scotland
  48. Create a memory box and open it years later
  49. Visit Ireland
  50. Be a mother
  51. Walk the Great Wall of China
  52. See the Northern Lights
  53. Take a photo everyday for a year
  54. Have a home library
  55. Ride an elephant
  56. Set foot on all 7 continents
  57. See a Broadway musical
  58. Add a lock to the Love Lock Bridge in Paris
  59. Participate in the Colour Run
  60. Walk behing a waterfall
  61. Start yoga
  62. Learn how to drive
Thanks for reading

Layla x

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