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Lush - Phoenix Rising

By 03:39 , , , , ,

I am back, as one of my many resolutions is to blog at least once a week (as proven by Blogmas I can't manage a post every day)
And what better way to start than a post about Lush?
Today I went shopping with my mum and we went to Lush so she could buy a lip scrub, but of course, I couldn't resist buying a bath bomb! (I originally went in for the Unicorn Horn Bath Melt but they didn't have it, so I feel like a big order online is coming up instead)
This one is so lovely, there's a piece of cinnamon across the top (the gold bit) and the fizzer inside is green. The smell of the cinnamon filled the upstairs of my house, but it wasn't overbearing and my skin smelt great afterwards. The bath went from a bright pink to a deep pinky purple, with tiny bits of gold glitter which I loved! Although by the end of my bath, it had stained my lovely cream tub, but it was easy enough to clean off.
And at £3.35 each, I think it is a decent price for such a nice bath bomb.
Find one yourself here:

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