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MCM Comic Con London 24th-26th October 2014

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So finally (3 months later) I am uploading my London Comic Con post!
I went for the 3 days with a my friends Kirsty, Sam and Billy, and we stayed in an apartment in Ilford, which was pretty amazing considering how cheap it was. Well, cheap for London. The first day was just a browsing day for me because I didn't want to spend all my money in one go, which I would have done, given the chance. Even though it was only day one, there were some pretty cool Cosplays, including a male Harley Quinn, which I loved, and we got free Pikachu hats! And on the evening, Billy and I found a secret 33rd floor in the apartment block we were in, and the views were incredible.

Day 1 Outfit:

Hat - Hype
Kimono - H&M
Top - H&M
Skirt - Select
Socks - Primark
Shoes - Primark

Day 2 was the big day as the four of us were Cosplaying. Sam went as L and Kirsty as Misa from Death Note, Billy went as "Alex" in Wonderland, and I went as a female Mad Hatter. There were so many amazing Cosplays, and I also got asked for photos with people, which was insane. We also saw a horse man in the window of a near by hotel which was funny, and in the afternoon, there were some amazing views on the water. And to top it off, we classily enjoyed wine glasses filled with milkshake back at the apartment.

My female version of Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter, from Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland (maybe I'll do a make up tutorial?? I don't know, it was pretty easy)

Also, check out the amazing Jeff Michalik, a super talented artist based in Camden, London but he regularly goes to the Cons. If you ever get the chance, go check out his work, it's amazing!
(killerbunny99 on Instagram)

On the third and final day I think we were all a bit tired, so we did a bit of shopping and then prepared for the trip home (which also included visiting our friend at uni). The three days were truly amazing, and it is definitely something I would recommend to anyone who loves this kind of stuff, and I can't wait until Birmingham Comic Con in March!

Day 3 Outfit:

Top - H&M
Vest (underneath) - Primark
Skirt - H&M
Shoes - Same as the first day

Also, check out Roxie Sweetheart which is where I got this amazing hair bow from, because really, I will never have enough unicorn in my life.

I am so excited for all the future Comic Cons I am going to attend, and to create all the Cosplay ideas I have.

Thanks for reading

Layla x

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