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Bullet Journal: February

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Hello and welcome to m February Bullet Journal post!
If you didn't see my last post for January, then check it out here.
So for this month, I'm just going to run through what my spreads looked like, and also any additions I have made for the beginning of March!

So this week was the week that I realised keeping up with how many hours sleep I'd had and what I'd eaten was getting a bit difficult. I also thought that my notes section was getting a bit useless because I could just write it in the day sections...

... so I scrapped the sleep/meal tracker all together, and replaced the notes section with a quote section, where I will write a quote that is relevant to that week.

So as you can see here, I worked a lot alongside uni so I put in a quote about being tired.

I wanted to switch up my weekly thoughts page and have some kind of structure, but for this week I was too busy to keep up with that idea!

This is the spread for this current week, I'm happy with everything in it, and I have marked it with a pink tab to show it is a new month! How is it March already?

Here is a better idea of my thoughts page, I blurred it out because it's personal haha. But I'm writing the day, and a quick overview of the day and my feelings.

So because it is March, I have done another monthly overview, and it's my birthday this month!!! I turn 21!
On the next page, I have a 3 Day Rule page. This means that is I see something I like, I will write it in here with the date, and then 3 days later I will come back to it and if I still want it, I'll buy it, if not then I won't. I'll put a tick or a cross as to whether I bought it or not.
I haven't done a spending spread because I didn't us it in February AT ALL, kinda annoyed that I wasted a page haha!

My final 2 pages so far look like this. On the left I have chores for the month, so things I want to get tidies up in my room! And on the right I have a self care tracker for the month. While I have the weekly tracker of things I want to do, these are the things I feel I should do in order to look after myself. Rather thsn have a green/red system like my weekly tracker, I am just going to mark the box if I've done it, or leave it blank if I haven't.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I really like doing these and hopefully I'll stay on track and have one monthly for you!
See you Monday!

Layla x

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