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Where Have I Been?

By 18:40


And welcome back to my blog. It has been a while hasn't it? While I doubt many people actually care where I have been, I thought I would do a little update. I want to get back into blogging again, maybe not as regularly as before, but I feel that in order to do that, I need a bit of a "bridge" post, if you like, as the last time I posted was March!

So, what have I been up to? Well, mainly uni. I recently finished my first year of my photography degree, and boy has it been stressful. But I have made some amazing friends, and I (somehow) passed it, so all seems to be well. I am nervous to go back for my second year, as I know it will be amped up even more, but I am looking forward to seeing where it takes me.

Another thing I have been doing is working. I have 2 jobs, and I am trying to earn as much money as possible, as I am trying to live, run a car and motorbike, save up to move out and save for a holiday! Which, yes, is a lot. So I am working as much as possible, in the hope of actually having enough money to keep afloat, I seem to be doing okay so far, haha.

I have also just been chilling out! When I did Blogmas, it really took its toll on me, and I felt completely out of ideas, and sometimes as though I rushed my posts and had really bad ideas but wrote about them anyway for the sake of having something to upload. So while I doubt I will be posting three times a week like I used to, this means I should (in theory) have much better, thought out posts - but we shall see. I want to keep posting makeup/beauty related things, but I keep wanting to expand more. Onto what? I don't know. But I sure am excited to see where it goes.

Layla x

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  1. Aww I'm so pleased to see you back on your blog! I knew you were okay as I keep up to date with what you post on Instagram. :)

    Congrats on finishing your first year of uni! I bet you've done amazing and I'm pretty sure you'll continue to keep it up! :D

    I can't wait to see what posts you publish soon! ^_^
