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The Happiness Planner

By 17:27 , , , , , , , ,


Today I started my Happiness Planner and I wanted to share it with you all. The Happiness Planner is a book that you can buy in various forms, I bought the 100 day one, just because I didn't want to commit to a 52 week one because sometimes (okay, all the time) I'm a bit useless at these things. But I thought it would be a nice thing to do, and it'd be a bonus if it kind of works.

The idea is to set goals in order to make yourself happier with your day to day life. In between pages, there are quotes, as well as daily quotes every day you fill in.

The planner comes in various colours, but I picked lilac as it's my fave colour. The book is hardback and comes in a hard sleeve, and has a ribbon to mark which day you're on.

It starts with a serious of things that reflect on what makes you happy/unhappy and what you think are your strengths and weaknesses. Before you start the planner, it asks you how you feel.

The planner has a weekly overview and then a daily overview.

Each day it asks you to write down what your plans are for the day, and afterwards how you day went.

Once you've finished the hundred days, there's a little review at the end, and see if the planner has helped.

On The Happiness Planner website, there is also printables to go alongside the planner, such as change a habit in 30 days, and pencils and a happy notes notebook. I think the idea of this is brilliant, and I can't wait to have my 100 day journey. And hey, if it works, I'll probably buy the 52 week version.

Once I've finished my planner in 100 days, I will write another post about how I got on with it and my opinions.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and you should try The Happiness Planner out!! Or if you have tried it, let me know how you got along with it please, I'd love to know :)

Thanks for reading,
Layla x

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  1. thank you so much for this wonderful post and pictures! i definitely need this planner ASAP!!!
