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Ghost Whitelight

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Today I have a different post to normal, chatting about my new perfume, Ghost Whitelight.
I first came across this when I went to the Bloggers Hangout event, and I saw it on the Perfume Shop's stand. I instantly fell in love with the scent, and I really wanted it!

The perfume comes in this gorgeous crescent moon shaped bottle, that is white, but reflects in the light, almost like an opalescent. 

The lid pops off the top, and there is a spray pump.
The perfume comes in two sizes, 30ml or 50ml. I bought the 30ml bottle, just in case I changed my mind later on, I wouldn't be stuck with a big bottle to get through. But so far, I still love it. The 30ml bottle retails for £25, and the 50ml for £34. And the Perfume shop has a points card system, so every pound you spend is 1 point, and when you reach 100 points, you get £5 off a purchase, so I am a quarter of the way there!

As for the smell, it isn't like anything I have smelt before. I love sweeter smells, and while this isn't overly sweet, it's very nice.
The Perfume Shop website says this about the fragrance: 
Top notes
Peach, Mandarin, Pear
Heart notes
Jasmine, Violet, Rose
Base notes
Patchouli, Vanilla, Amber

I can defintely smell the Mandarin, and the notes of Violet and Vanilla. However, I am no expert in this! And obviously, every perfume smells different on different people. I have received nothing but compliments when I have worn this out!

I definitely recommend this perfume if you enjoy sweeter smells but want something a bit different to the usual flowery scents.
You can find the perfume here:

I hope you enjoyed this post, thanks for reading!

Layla x

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