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NYX HD Powder???

By 15:25 , , , , , , ,

SO. I wasn't sure if I was going to do a post on this powder, and I eventually decided that I wasn't... but then I actually used it and a DISASTER happened!
So, I was going out, and I thought I would bake with this powder and see whether it was any good. I've heard such good reviews about this, and I was mega excited to try it. I finished my makeup and went about my business for the evening before I went out. And then cause I was feeling my look, I thought I would take some photos using my ring light on my camera for Instagram.

Can you see that??? Can you see all the white powder still on my face?? If I hadn't have put my face under such a bright light I would never have known and I would have gone out like this!!
It took so long to fix it as well, I brushed it off as much as I could with my Spectrum powder brush, but it was really hard! I ended up fixing it with my Makeup Revolution Pressed Powder.

But I was so confused! I used this exactly the same as any of the other loose powders I have tried, and they've never ever done this. I did my base before my eye makeup so it wasn't like I was being careful to not wipe off my eyeshadow.

I'm going to give this another try at some point, and see if I can make it work, if you have any idea about what I did please let me know because I am clueless haha!

Layla x

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