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Soap And Glory Sexy Mother Pucker Extreme Plump

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Well, it seems to be official. I am hooked on Soap and Glory.
I went in to boots to potentially look for a standard lip gloss. I've been getting a bit fed up of matte lip, shocking, I know. But I couldn't find any I liked, they all just seem so sticky! But I did see this Lip Plumper from Soap and Glory, and I thought it would be quite good to try!
The big lip trend seems to be carrying on into 2017, and while I would never have surgery, I thought this would be a bit of fun, and a bonus if it works!

Apparently the lip gloss works almost immediately, and will start to tingle.

I got the shade clear, I think this is the only colour they do in this?

The packaging is silver. The applicator is just a hoof shape and is plastic, making it very easy to apply. I also apologise for the other swatch on my hand, it's Corset by Nyx if you're interested.

So here are my lips before. They look awful, I know.
When I put the lip gloss on, it didn't do anything at first, and I thought I had done something wrong. But then all of a sudden it started to tingle, and it was actually quite weird. After about 10 minutes, it then changed slightly, and it just felt like really annoying pins and needles.

This was after about 20 minutes. You can definitely see on my bottom lip that it has almost "swelled" a bit. My top lip has also done the same. I am actually surprised that this worked, I'm not going to lie! But I am happy that I didn't waste my money haha. I also noticed that this is very moisturising, which is another bonus.
If you're interested in trying this for yourself, you can pick it up for £10 from Boots

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next one!

Layla x

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