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Blogmas Day Nineteen: Super Easy Christmas Nails

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Today I am going to show you some reeeaaallllyyyy easy Christmas nail designs. Like I mean, so easy. They're just for if you're feeling a bit of extra nail art for the festive season, but you're like me and very bad at nails haha. I've done 5 designs for 5 fingers on each hand lol. I haven't put which nail varnishes I used because they're all pretty common colours, but most of them are probably Kiko or Barry M.

First up is Santa's Belly (yo Lush what's up?)
So I painted my whole nail red, and then drew a black line across the middle of my nail to make the belt.

Then I took this light gold shade, but any gold or yellow will work, to make the buckle of the belt.

Then I put a tiny bit of black in the center of this to finish off the buckle/belt situation.

The second nail I painted white.

Then I took some gold sequins (or you could use glitter, I just like the chunkiness of the sequins) I put some clear varnish all over my nail, and then pressed the sequins on top with my finger, and made sure they were nice and flat.

On the next nail, I painted it a dark blue.

Then I took a silver glitter varnish and first put it onto a wedge makeup sponge, like one of those you can get in a pack from Superdrug, and then dabbed the sponge onto my nail. This means you get waaaay more glitter payoff! I kept the glitter to just at the bottom by the cuticle, so you can still see the blue at the top. If you're wondering, I put PVA glue around my nail and waited for it to dry so when the varnish/glitter went outside of my nail, I could just peel it off.

The fourth nail I did, i took a very vey pale blue, like it looks almost white tbh, which would also work. I then just painted some red stripes to look kind of like a candy cane effect.

Last but not least, on my pinky finger, I used a pinky/rose gold metallic nail varnish. Then I just took a metallic silver and put some dots on there. I think this is the most simple one, but it still looks christmassy cause of the metallic colours.

I hope you enjoyed these, they are really easy, trust me because I am the worst at this stuff. I actually ended up doing all my nails in the blue with silver glitter because I fell in love with it haha.

See you tomorrow!

Layla x

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